Official British UK Armed Forces ORP (1 x 24 hour ration pack)
See our field test of this MRE here: https://mremountain.com/blogs/news/british-armed-forces-24-hour-operational-ration-pack-mre-field-test-review
These MREs are Operational Ration Packs (ORPs) issued to the British Armed Forces.
Each ration pack is designed to provide ample nutrition and calories to last 24 hours in survival, combat, or emergency situations.
With its wide array of high-energy snacks, electrolyte drinks, and three filling, hearty, and readymade meals, this MRE case is guaranteed to satisfy no matter where you consume them.
You’re guaranteed a fully-cooked, ready-to-eat, and nutritious meal no matter where you are at home, on travel, out in the woods, or at the office.
Each 24-hour pack ration pack provides over 3,000 kcal of energy for 24 hours of operation.
Not only that, each entrée is a taste of British/Indian cuisine at its finest, featuring filling British favorites as well a selection of Indian specialties featuring masala, biryani, and curry.
Each MRE comes in a sturdy package that can be reused as a container. Each pack also contains the necessary sundries such as water purification tablets, windproof matches, and a nifty utility bag that you can take anywhere on the go.
With over 10 menus with fabulous entrees to choose from, this MRE pack will satisfy even the most discerning palate.
And these are only available exclusively at MREmountain.com. Order now while supplies last!
Please be aware of any food allergies! Heat all entrees thoroughly.
You can check out a review of the Menu 3 Ration here:

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