MRE Mountain Blog

December 15, 2023
The Survival MRE - Deep dive into best mini survival kit on the market.
We created the Survival MRE! We believe this is the smallest most comprehensive survival kit ever created. Take a look at how much we packed into...

September 22, 2023
Industry Undercover: Dirty Little Secrets of Civilian MREs
We’re going to pull the mask off civilian MREs and's ugly. Misinformation, expired food, high prices and sometimes just plain risky business. Ever...

August 30, 2023
Unlocking History: Lend Lease and the Allure of Vintage Army Rations
In the annals of military history, certain chapters stand out as remarkable examples of cooperation and resourcefulness. The Lend Lease program, a vital lifeline during...

August 25, 2023
Canada Armed Forces IMP MRE
Canada Armed Forces IMP - Menu 13 Honey Garlic Chicken Manufactured in Canada Overall Rating: 6/10 Contents: Honey Garlic Chicken 200gr, Apple Slices 100gr, Sweet and Salty Almonds...

August 25, 2023
Latvian Armed Forces NATO approved MRE
Latvian Armed Forces MRE - Menu 3 Manufactured in Latvia Overall Rating: 7.9/10 Contents: Beef Goulash with buckwheat and mushrooms 380gr, raisins and dried cranberries, roasted lentils, rye...

July 20, 2023
Spanish Armed Forces ICR Individual Combat Ration Field Test Review
Spanish Armed Forces ICR Individual Combat Ration - Menu B2 Manufactured in Spain Overall Rating: 7/10 NOTE: Explanation of Spanish Army MRE design is at the end of this...
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