Questionable decisions, one and done menus, gone but not forgotten.
These are the best, worst and most elusive menus of the 90s and 2000s
Sold as collectors items only! Don't try this at home!
The notorious Vomlete, Ratatouille, Buffalo Chicken, Vegetable Lasagna, Veggie Burger, Meat Loaf, Dairy Shakes, Clam Chowder, Cinnamon Scone, French Vanilla Coffee, Corn Bread Stuffing, HooAH! Bars, Veggie Burger, Sloppy Joe. The best of the worst.
MRE Menus XXV (2005)
BOLD = Item changed from 2004 menus
MENU 1 | MENU 2 | MENU 3 | MENU 4 |
Beef Steak w/ Mushrooms Western Beans Jam Crackers Candy Steak Sauce Dairy Shake Red Pepper Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Pork Rib Clam Chowder Cheddar Cheese Spread Wheat Snack Bread (2) Cookie Electrolyte Beverage Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Beef Ravioli Fruit Pack, Wet Cheddar Cheese Spread Vegetable Crackers Fudge Brownie Beverage Base, CHO Fortified Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Cheese & Vegetable Omelet Hash Browns w/ Bacon Jam Crackers Toaster Pastry Candy II Hot Sauce Accessory Packet C Spoon Flameless Heater |
MENU 5 | MENU 6 | MENU 7 | MENU 8 |
Chicken Breast Minestrone Stew Jalapeno Cheese Spread Wheat Snack Bread Pound Cake Candy II Coffee, French Vanilla Jalapeno Ketchup Accessory Packet B Spoon Flameless Heater |
Chicken Fajitas Yellow/Wild Rice Pilaf Cheddar Cheese Spread Tortilla Raisin Nut Mix Coffee, French Vanilla Accessory Packet C Spoon Flameless Heater |
Chicken w/Salsa Mexican Rice Shortbread Cookie Jalapeno Cheese Spread Vegetable Crackers Candy II Coffee, Mocha Flavored Hot Sauce Accessory Packet B Spoon Flameless Heater |
Beef Patty Nacho Cheese Pretzels Mexican Macaroni & Cheese Cheese Spread w/Bacon Wheat Snack Bread BBQ Sauce Beef Snacks Hot Sauce Accessory Packet B Spoon Flameless Heater |
MENU 9 | MENU 10 | MENU 11 | MENU 12 |
Beef Stew Chocolate Sports Bar Peanut Butter Crackers Dairy Shake Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Chili w/Macaroni Cookie Jalapeno Cheese Spread Wheat Snack Bread Candy III Cocoa Beverage Powder Red Pepper Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Pasta w/Vegetables in Tomato Sauce Seasoning Blend Pound Cake Dried Fruit Peanut Butter Crackers Electrolyte Beverage Accessory Packet C Spoon Flameless Heater |
Veggie Burger w/BBQ Sauce Cinnamon Scone Wheat Snack Bread Potato Sticks Beverage Base, CHO Fortified Hot Sauce Accessory Packet B Spoon Flameless Heater |
MENU 13 | MENU 14 | MENU 15 | MENU 16 |
Cheese Tortellini Pound Cake Seasoning Blend Spiced Apples Peanut Butter Crackers Candy I Accessory Packet C Spoon Flameless Heater |
Manicotti w/Vegetables Pound Cake Ranger Bar Wet Pack Fruit Peanut Butter Crackers Hot Sauce Accessory Packet B Spoon Flameless Heater |
Beef Enchiladas Refried Beans Cookies Jalapeno Cheese Spread Vegetable Crackers Beverage Base, CHO Fortified Picante Sauce Red Pepper Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Chicken w/Noodles Wet Pack Fruit Cheddar Cheese Spread Crackers Candy II Pretzels Cocoa Beverage Powder Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
MENU 17 | MENU 18 | MENU 19 | MENU 20 |
Sloppy Joe Filling Baked Snack Cheese Cracker Jalapeno Cheese Spread Shortbread Cookie Wheat Snack Bread (2) Electrolyte Beverage Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Cajun Rice & Sausage Peanut Butter Crackers Nuts Cheddar Cheese Pretzels Beverage Base, CHO Fortified Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Roast Beef w/Vegetables Dried Fruit Peanut Butter Crackers Cookie Cocoa Beverage Powder Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce Blueberry Cherry Cobbler Cheese Spread Wheat Snack Bread Electrolyte Beverage Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
MENU 21 | MENU 22 | MENU 23 | MENU 24 |
Chicken Tetrazzini Cookie Crackers Jelly Dairy Shake Seasoning Blend Accessory Packet C Spoon Flameless Heater |
Jambalaya Pound Cake Jam Wheat Snack Bread Dairy Shake Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Chicken w/Cavatelli Fig Bar Pound Cake Cheese Spread w/Bacon Wheat Snack Bread Beverage Base, CHO Fortified Hot Sauce Accessory Packet A Spoon Flameless Heater |
Meat Loaf w/Gravy Mashed Potato Vanilla Wafer Cookie Jelly Crackers Cocoa Beverage Powder Candy I Accessory Packet B Spoon Flameless Heater |
Candy I: Caramel-Vanilla Flavored, Toffee Roll – Chocolate Flavored, Toffee w/walnuts
Candy II: Chocolate – plain disks, Chocolate w/crisped rice disks, Chocolate w/peanut butter disks, Chocolate w/peanuts
Candy III: Cinnamon Candies, Fruit Flavored Disks
Accessory Packet A | Accessory Packet B | Accessory Packet C |
Coffee Sugar Creamer Salt Chewing Gum Matches Toilet Tissue Hand Cleaner |
Tea, Instant w/ Sweetener & Lemon Flavor
Salt Chewing Gum |
Apple Cider
Salt |
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