The Meal, Combat, Individual or MCI was the replacement for the K ration used extensively in WW2 and shortly after.
The MCI carried some traditions forward but also provided a simpler, compact, nutritionally balanced meal that included advances in canned food technology in the Korean war and Vietnam eras.
The last MCIs were issued in 1977-1978, though first hand accounts state that some old stock was used even in the 80 and early 90s conflicts.
Twelve different menus are included in the specification. Each menu contains one canned meat item; one canned fruit, bread or dessert item; one B unit; an accessory packet containing, matches, chewing gum, toilet paper, coffee, cream, sugar, and salt; and a spoon. Four can openers are provided in each case of 12 meals. Although the meat item can be eaten cold, it is more palatable when heated.
Each meal furnishes approximately one-third of the minimum nutrient intake prescribed by Army regulations.
Typical Menus
Beefsteak | Beefsteak & Potatoes w/ | Boned Chicken |
Pears | Gravy | Bread |
B-1 Unit | Pecan Cake Roll | B-3 Unit |
Crackers (7) | B-2 Unit | Cookies |
Candy Disc | Crackers (4) | Cocoa Beverage Powder |
Peanut Butter | Cheese Spread | Jam |
Accessory packet | Accessory packet | Accessory packet |
There were 4 choices of meat in each B group. Because there were several “vintages” of C’s issued to the Marines in Vietnam, more than 4 items may be listed in the B groups.
B-1 UnitsMeat Choices (in small cans): |
B-2 UnitsMeat Choices (in larger cans): |
B-3 UnitsMeat Choices (in small cans): |
*Accessory PackSpoon, Plastic |
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